Farnam Street

9 Mental Models You Can Use to Think Like a Genius

The Ultimate Guide to Using a Decision Journal

How Raising Your Expectations Can Make Your More Successful

A Simple Process to Improve How You Learn - Double Loop Learning

The Most Intelligent Way to Make Great Decisions

A TRICK to Using FIRST PRINCIPLES Thinking | Ozan Varol

Shane Parrish (Farnam St) on Finding Clarity and Making Better Decisions

5 Mental Models You Can Use to be a Better Parent

A 3-Step Method to Think More Creatively

How to Become a Better Reader (read less, learn more)

The Angel Philosopher Naval Ravikant on Reading, Making Decisions, Habits, and the Purpose of Life

Advice for Asking Questions | Shane Parrish

HOW MUCH TIME is it worth spending on TRACKING YOUR TIME? | Laura Vanderkam

Chesterton's Fence: Use This to Make Fewer Bad Decisions

How to Change Your Perspective according to Shane Parrish

Don't Make This Billion Dollar Mistake

Why You Struggle To Make Great Decisions at Work

Mental Models - Farnam Street and Shane Parrish (The Accelerated Learning Canon)

How to Think Better According to Shane Parrish

The Learning Loop | Shane Parrish

What are the Benefits of a Decision Journal? | Shane Parrish

Decision Making Framework | Shane Parrish

Mental Models Farnam Street

Morgan Housel: What You Need to Master (And Avoid) to Get Rich, Stay Rich, and Build Wealth